Clínica Dávila
Av. Recoleta 464, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile
Fono 2 2270 2700
Clínica Alemana de Santiago
Av. Vitacura 5951, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Fono 2 2210 1111
Dra. Angélica Paulos
Children need special treatment.
They are not little adults.
What health insurance are included?
In Dávila Clinic medical office exist the possibility of attending by Fonasa, some Isapres (private Chilean health insurance) and pay in cash. In Alemana Clinic medical office exist the possibility of attending by Fonasa, some health insurance and pay in cash. The online medical consultation is pay in cash with no refund
Where is Dra. Paulos located?
In the Dr. Roberto del Río Children's Hospital, Dávila Clinic and Alemana Clinic. We also have online medical appointments.
What specialty does she have?
Dr. Mº Angélica Paulos is a medical doctor, Pediatric Surgeon and Master in Public Health, with more than 10 years in Pediatric Reconstructive Surgery. Accreditation in pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery by CONACEM and govermment´s Health Superintendency .