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Clínica Dávila
Av. Recoleta 464, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile

Fono 2 2270 2700
Clínica Alemana de Santiago
Av. Vitacura 5951, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile

Fono 2 2210 1111
Dra. Angélica Paulos


Scrotal surgery wound
Surgeries that involve operating the testicles and scrotum can leave a scar at the inguinal and scrotal level. Some of the results of these wounds and then scars are those shown in the photos.
In the inguinal area the scar is thick and lasts for a few months and then it slowly diminishes.
In the scrotal area the scars are hidden in the normal wrinkles of the scrotum. Note that the surgery stitches have not yet fallen off in this photo.
In both areas, the stitches are reabsorbed or fall on their own and should not be removed.
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