Clínica Dávila
Av. Recoleta 464, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile
Fono 2 2270 2700
Clínica Alemana de Santiago
Av. Vitacura 5951, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Fono 2 2210 1111
Dra. Angélica Paulos
Axillary accessory breasts
Pain or enlargement of the breasts in male adolescents may be transient due to hormonal changes. When the discomfort persists and the increase in breast tissue and fat persists, they require treatment. Depending on the characteristics of the breasts, it is treated with weight control, resection of the glands or reduction of fat in the chest.
Having accessory nipples on the thorax can be seen as a single point only or on both sides or have multiple numbered nipples on both sides. Some of these nipples can have mammary glands and eliminate milk or liquid during lactation or with hormonal changes.
Axillary or accessory mammary gland
The most frequent location of the accessory mammary gland is the armpit. It generally presents with increased volume in relation to pubertal changes. They may or may not have accessory nipples. Depending on the amount of breast tissue they can produce milk during lactation and if they do not have adequate drainage they can become infected or abscess. It should be resected at the time of diagnosis.