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Hernia Umbilical

Umbilical hernia

Hernia Umbilical con piel redudante

Umbilical hernia with redundant skin

Umbilical hernias

Umbilical hernias are common in infants. They are a defect of the abdominal wall where intra-abdominal contents can scape through it. Generally they do not present symptoms and with the growth of the infant the hernia closes on its own before 4 years. It is recommended to operate on hernias when they bother, get stuck, or are very large before that age and if they persist after 4 years. In some cases, excess skin should be resected with proper management of the skin flaps.

Granuloma Umbilical o ombligo húmedo

Umbilical granuloma

Ausencia de Ombligo por cicatriz de onfalocele
Ausencia de Ombligo por cicatriz de gastosquisis

Gastroschisis scar without a defined bellybutton

Navel granulomas

Some bellybuttons in newborns take time to heal and continue to discharge fluid, associated with a red lesion in the center that it is call granuloma. The presence of malformations related to the urachus and the omphalomosenteric duct should be ruled out. Once that is ruled out, many respond to advance wound care.

Abdominal scars without bellybutton

Some malformations of the abdominal wall such as gastroschisis and omphalocele, after closed, are left without a bellybutton. A new bellybutton can be created if desired.

Omphalocele scar without a defined bellybutton

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