Clínica Dávila
Av. Recoleta 464, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile

Fono 2 2270 2700
Clínica Alemana de Santiago
Av. Vitacura 5951, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile

Fono 2 2210 1111
Dra. Angélica Paulos

Inguinal hernia: increased inguinal volume left and the scrotum looks larger
Umbilical hernia with protruding navel and redundant skin.
Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia in children is generally indirect, that is, it is due to the persistence of the vaginal peritoneal duct. This duct in boys allows the descent of the testicle (and in girls of a ligament) from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum or labia majora during gestational development. When this duct is not closed, a communication persists between the abdomen and the inguinal area that allows the exit of abdominal contents, constituting the hernia. Surgery should be performed due to the risk that a bowel loop becomes blocked and becomes necrotic.
Umbilical hernia
An abdominal wall defect may persist at the site of the umbilical cord. It usually closes in the first years of life. If they do not close at 4 years or are very large at 3 years, it is advisable to close them with surgery.