Clínica Dávila
Av. Recoleta 464, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile
Fono 2 2270 2700
Clínica Alemana de Santiago
Av. Vitacura 5951, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Fono 2 2210 1111
Dra. Angélica Paulos
Deep burn due hot liquid
AB o Intermediate burn due to hot liquid spilling
Burns and Scalds
Burns in children are primarily caused by accidents at home from hot water or food. Prevention is essential to reduce the frequency of these events. Depending on the characteristics of the burn, you can predict how long they will take to heal. In Chile most of the patients with burns have guarantees of treatment through the GES program. Burns need rigorous care, with frequent toilets, because they can become infected. Some burns do not heal and need a skin graft for them to heal, specially deep burns and some of the intermediate burns. Scars from burns that heal spontaneously or with grafts need controls for a compressive management of the scar in the initial phase and then evaluate if the scar grows proportionally with the growth of the child.
Intermediate or AB burn due hot liquid
Skin grafts in the deep areas of the burn, so that they heal.
Superficial burn
Superficial Burns
Sun or steam burns tend to be superficial. They are very painful, but they tend to heal within 7 days and do not require skin grafting.
Intermediate Burns
They are burns that not only compromise the superficial portion of the skin but also the dermis. The pink areas of the burn tend to heal and the paler areas do not. They generally need periodicwound care treatment to allow to heal what is a superficial burn and not become infected. Once the area that will not heal has been identified, a partial skin graft is performed. Partial skin grafts are very thin sheets of skin that allow a wound or burn to heal. From the area that the graft was obtained, the skin heals within 7-10 days. The most frequent skin donor site are the scalp and de thigh. We like the scalp to be the donor site because de hair grows and de scar hides.
Electric burn. Deep eschar burn
Deep Burns
From the beginning an eschar is observed, which is white, brown or black skin, generally hard and does not hurt. This burn compromises the entire thickness of the skin, making it impossible for the skin to regenerate on its own. This type of injury requires surgical management in order to heal.
signs of burn infection: erythema on the outside of the burn and its transformed from superficial to a deep burn.
Infected burns
Burns can become infected. Whether this happens depends on various factors such as the characteristics of the burns, the patient's age, immune system, and the care the patient has to the burn. This can lead to an infection not only from the burn but also to a systemic infection such as fever, toxic and / or septic shock. The signs that suspect that a burn is evolving with an infection are fever, bad smell of the bandages, cutaneous rush, secretion and worsening of the local injury. The child should be hospitalized in every infected burn.